About Us
Our Mission
The Joe Martin ALS Foundation's mission is to empower families as they face the challenge of living actively with ALS by providing home care and other services at no cost.
We believe that with the help of family and a caring community people with ALS can live with purpose, with joy, and with hope. This philosophy drives us to empower families with the knowledge and tools to navigate this progressive disease.
Our services include showering, dressing, range of motion and exercise, wheelchair accessible transportation, and caregiver training. Our staff has over 20 years experience in caring for people with ALS (PALS), and we also serve as a resource to answer caregiving questions. ALS overwhelms families financially and emotionally, however a strong support net can help PALS and their families obtain the best caregiving techniques, equipment, and bolster their will to fight this disease.

We Believe
We believe a strong support net can help people living with ALS (PALS) and their families obtain the best caregiving techniques, equipment, and bolster their will to fight this disease.
"My hero wears a wedding ring."
from the film Heroes Among Us
This wonderful film by Aaron Putnam and JoyRide Productions examines how people with ALS are heroic, and their heroes who help them LIVE with ALS. This film was first screened at the Live Every Day dinner on August 23, 2018.
What We Do: Testimonials
Meet the Dapras
Meet Susie and Joe Dapra and learn the ways that The Joe Martin ALS Foundation is helping them. Our outstanding volunteer, Aaron Putnam of Wray Ward, made this film for our 1st Annual Live Every Day dinner and to help share our mission with others.

More Stories & Testimonials
"The Joe Martin ALS Foundation gave our family a person/organization to go to for all the questions and needs we had when our mother was diagnosed with this scary disease. I felt like I could call at any time with any question, problem or advice I needed and you were there."
"I can't say enough positive things about the human interaction and services they provided. It helped us plan and so we were always ready for our next 'new normal.'"
“I estimate we have saved thousands of dollars in caregiving services and by either not having to buy things, or ensuring we don’t waste money on things you deem are not worth buying based on your experience.”
“Having assistance from people who understand ALS is invaluable. We are more comfortable asking the Joe Martin ALS Foundation than either the doctors or Hospice - your organization is more upfront, honest and compassionate about everything.”
“I can't say enough about the support both mentally and financially that your organization gave my mom and our family.”
“Christine was simply the best...she became my Mom’s friend until the end...I miss her also… she is the sweetest person I think I ever met.”
“A blessing to Mom and Me that I can never repay...much love and hopefully one day I will be able to help a family in need.”
“You are a source of help in a world that no one understands and was able to explain as time moved on.”
“They were so supportive, kind and caring. Personally we would have been lost without them. The knowledge and experience they shared was incredibly helpful.”
“You are the only organization that treats the family - instead of the patient or the disease.”
“They give us home care, transportation, medical equipment, information, and make it easier to care for my wife while at the same time allowing me to focus some of my attention on our kids.”
“Our caregiver, Felicia, was awesome. He didn’t want to stay with just anyone. I felt comfortable leaving him and he was on a ventilator 24/7 and had a feeding tube. I appreciated everything.”
“They are willing to go the extra mile to get the help and information we need so the stress is not so high to deal with.”
“The loaner Wheelchair is invaluable. The in-home PT visits would be expensive. The Joe Martin ALS Foundation has probably helped us save $10,000 to date.”
“The Joe Martin ALS Foundation provides us personal care services which has saved us a few hundred dollars a month...which is money that we simply do not have available to us due to the financial changes brought on by ALS. It has been a godsend to say the least.”
“The Joe Martin ALS Foundation is Very important. It allows my husband to go to work and provides me with companionship!”
“The Joe Martin Foundation is our primary support group for dealing with ALS. The foundation has helped us learn about the many ways to make life easier, saved us money, and served as a liaison to the ALS Clinic.”
The Joe Martin ALS Foundation is the realization of an ALS patient’s dream to help families cope and live fully with ALS. After being told in October 1994, that he had Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and 20 months to live, Joe Martin decided he would recover, if not from the disease, then from the diagnosis. He became determined to live as actively as possible and he deeply wanted to help others face the challenges presented by ALS. With the help of his family, friends, and other families who had been affected by ALS, Joe helped raise funds to establish the Carolinas Neuromuscular/ALS Center in Charlotte, NC.
With the help of a supporting family and a team of caregivers Joe lived life to the fullest for twelve years after his diagnosis by publishing two books, traveling abroad, advocating for support for people with ALS (PALS), and for racial and gender equality. But Joe wanted to do more. He understood most PALS did not have the quality of care he received and Joe envisioned an organization that would help PALS live actively with ALS.
Unfortunately, Joe’s death in July 2006 prevented him from continuing his altruistic work. However, his caregivers founded the 501(c)(3) non-profit that bears his name on May 14, 2007, in Charlotte, NC.
Neil Cottrell, the foundation’s president and Joe’s former healthcare manager, helped Joe confront each disability as the disease progressed, and Neil learned how important it is for PALS to maintain relationships, communication, and as much independence as possible.
The Joe Martin ALS Foundation shares Joe’s “can do” spirit by encouraging PALS to live actively and by helping to find the answers to achieve this goal. Wheelchair accessible transportation, assistive technology loans and tech support, respite care, exercise sessions, home accessibility assessment, and vacation and trip planning are just a few of the services the foundation offers to help families battle ALS. The foundation is the only organization in the Southeast (possibly in the U.S.) that provides these services at no cost to ALS patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Mission
The Joe Martin ALS Foundation's mission is to empower families as they face the challenge of living actively with ALS by providing home care and other services at no cost.
We Believe
We believe a strong support net can help people living with ALS (PALS) and their families obtain the best caregiving techniques, equipment, and bolster their will to fight this disease.